Previous Australian Raven (Corvus coronoides) Next
Raven eating scrap
Above: A Raven eating some apple scraps

Raven eating scrap
Above: A Raven eating pear scraps

Ravens are large black birds that scavenge for food scraps and dead animals. They are often seen on the road eating roadkill. They are also good fliers and often can be seen flying high above the sky accompanied by the far-carrying child like wailing cry of "aaahhhhh aahhhhh...." in a slow drawn out finish.

Left: Note the white eyes of this Raven waiting for the right moment to take some food scraps.

Right: A Raven getting ready to scavenge some food below.

The Ravens inhabit a variety of areas except closed forests, so they can be found throughout the Blue Mountains where there are no dense trees.

These birds are often attacked by Noisy Miners and Magpie Larks in flight.